Friday, June 3, 2011

Camel Toe

Just the sound of that phrase makes me cringe and laugh simultaneously.  I've begun hand & arm therapy.  Carpal tunnel seems to be imminent, but according to my neurologist, it's easy to maintain the current healthy state with a few minor adjustments and the addition of wrist splints at night since that's when it flares up the most.

As I'm scarfing down my lunch, my therapist calls me early and as I attempt to greedily chew and swallow the last bite, he disappears and I'm relieved that I can have 2 seconds to finish my bite.

O seats me at the patient table and asks me to transfer to assess my skills and then proceeds with the checks and balances to see what needs therapy immediately.  He plops down in front of me and asks me to do a series of moves, yadda yadda yadda.  He's sitting spread eagle and what do I notice?  He's got triple camel toe!  LOL.  How is it possible to smash the balls so completely to come out with a triple where only a double should exist?  He keeps asking me to bend over towards him (to check the strength of my back) and asks me to keep looking down, and it takes all of my professional tact to not burst out laughing and just to add insult to injury, almost literally, he keeps adjusting his "too tight" pants to relieve the boys.  sigh.  Note to self, bring a blindfold to my next session.  Actually, the next one is with a female therapist, we'll see what entertainment she provides. 

I've dubbed O the "Ball Smasher"....or was it "Ball Crusher"?  Both are funny....indeed.