My sense of humor is understood by those with the same weird/wrong sense of humor. You know the old adage, "Birds of a feather, flock together". Like my friend Ursula, we have a pretty warped sense of humor that only we would understand. We laugh at almost all of the same things and know how to tell a story in a way that would make the other laugh pretty hard. Now that I've begun going out more, whether it be Dr.s' appointments or grocery shopping, I have a chance to people watch more. It's very interesting. So this blog is just about everyday occurrences that make me laugh. It might be funny to most, but sometimes I just have to laugh, even if it makes me look like a jerk. I never said I was perfect. lol.

So today, I went out with my brother and Kat, his girlfriend/fiancee, to shop for pet costumes. They love their dog like a child and treat her like a princess. Even I have to agree that Momo, the dog, is great. Although Saturday afternoon, a week before Halloween, is not the ideal time to shop, we ended up at T.J. Maxx and the Halloween Store in Granada Hills. So many people in the store and so many articles of clothing, toiletries, and accessories randomly thrown about.
I saw a woman mindlessly meandering through the housewares section in the back while I was staring at a wall of specialty gourmet cookies, cocoa mixes, and haberdasheries. I heard a crash and noticed in my peripheral vision that she had mindlessly crashed her cart into a support beam and startled herself into consciousness. I couldn't help but to choke back a laugh, the kind of thing you do which ends up with you kind of snorting. I composed myself, but when she apologized to the beam, I laughed. Sorry.
I saw a little doggie outfit that said "I (heart) the Situation." I almost bought the damn thing and I don't even have a dog. *Fist Pumps*
ReplyDeleteFist pumps! lol, it took me forever to figure out what a fist pump was. I thought it was some sort of x-rated toy, like Borat's gift to his neighbor. :)